Opening times: Monday, Thursday το Sunday 8:30-15:30
Prvo utvrđeno naselje, osnovano je sredinom 4. veka pre Hrista i predstavljalo je prvo sedište Zajednice Thesprotia. Prvi grad koji je izdao novčanicu sa natpisom «ΕΛΕAΙ[ΩΝ]», (ELE(ON)) građana Elea ili ¸¸ELEATAN¸¸ naroda Eleata. Nalazi se u Opštini Suliu.
Access: Elea is located about 40km SE of Igoumenitsa. The visitors drive along Egnatia Highway until the junction to Paramythia. From there they are directed towards the Chrysavgi village through the provincial road from Paramythia to Glyki. At the junction of Chrysavgi they can turn left and follow the paved uphill road that leads to the entrance of the site.