Arheološka nalazišta
Στο Νομό υπάρχουν πάρα πολλά ιστορικά μνημεία, αρχαία και βυζαντινά τα οποία αποδεικνύουν την πλούσια πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά.
Current opening times Monday, Wednesday to Sunday: 8.00-20.00, Tuesday: closed
For further information and confirmation of current opening times:
+30 2665 0 28539, 24733
The Archaeological Museum of Igoumenitsa is located by the coastal road (old National Road Igoumenitsa - Ioannina), opposite to Epirus Institute of Technology and the Stadium.
Thesprotia je jedna od najizolovanijih i najudaljenijih Pokrajina na severozapadu Grčke. Posetiocu može da pokaže veliki broj arheoloških spomenika i nalazišta, još iz Starog Kamenog Doba pa sve do Vizantije. Iskopavanja vršena poslednjih decenija su iznela na svetlost dana brojne nalaze koji svojom vrednošću popunjavanju mozaik daleke prošlosti da bi na kraju, našli svoje mesto pod krovom Arheološkog Muzeja.
The archaeological site will open only with appointment Tel +30 2665 0 29177
Monday, Wednesday to Sunday 08:30 -18:00 , Tuesday closedOsnovana je oko 336. – 330. god. pre Hrista i nasledila je Elea kao sedište Zajednice Thesproćana. Na obalama Kalama koja je okružuje, prostorom vlada gradski teatar. Nalazi se blizu brane Kalama.
Access: The site of Gitana is located about 16 km northeast of Igoumenitsa. Visitors follow the road from Igoumenitsa to Sagiada. After crossing the bridge over the Dam of Kalamas River they can turn to the paved road on the right, which leads to the entrance of the site after a 1 km course.
Dymokastro is open-accessed to the public with free admission.
Utvrđeno naselje, izgrađeno na brdu iznad obale Karavostasi. Osnovano je negde posle 4. veka pre Hrista. Nalazi se blizu Perdike.
Access: Dymokastro is located at about 38 km to the south of Igoumenitsa. Visitors can follow either the Egnatia Highway or the road from Igoumenitsa to Preveza as far as the village of Karteri and there turn right towards Perdika village. Then they can drive through Perdika towards Karavostasi Beach. The site is on the hill above the southern end of the beach.
Opening times: Monday, Thursday το Sunday 8:30-15:30
Prvo utvrđeno naselje, osnovano je sredinom 4. veka pre Hrista i predstavljalo je prvo sedište Zajednice Thesprotia. Prvi grad koji je izdao novčanicu sa natpisom «ΕΛΕAΙ[ΩΝ]», (ELE(ON)) građana Elea ili ¸¸ELEATAN¸¸ naroda Eleata. Nalazi se u Opštini Suliu.
Access: Elea is located about 40km SE of Igoumenitsa. The visitors drive along Egnatia Highway until the junction to Paramythia. From there they are directed towards the Chrysavgi village through the provincial road from Paramythia to Glyki. At the junction of Chrysavgi they can turn left and follow the paved uphill road that leads to the entrance of the site.
Opening times: Monday, Thursday το Sunday 8:30-15:30
For further information:
+30 2665 0 28539, 24733
Vojno utvrđenje iz 5. veka pre Hrista koje je konstantno korišćeno sve do otomanskog perioda. Kula je danas muzej sa stalnom izložbom fotografija sa početka 20. veka, gravurama i posterima koji se nalaze u renoviranom Aginom tornju. Nalazi se u dolini Ragiu – Kestroni.
Access: For accessing the site one can take the road along the beach Drepano-Makrygiali. By reaching the electrical substation of the Public Power Corporation the visitor turn right following the signposts leading to the archaeological site further inland.
The archaeological site will remain close
For further information:
+30 2665 0 28539, 24733
Utvrđeno naselje, naseljeno jos od 7. veka pre Hrista kao i za vreme otomanske vlasti. Poseban utisak ostavljaju ruševine iz poslednjih godina u kojima je prostor bio naseljen. Nalazi se blizu Parapotamos-a.
Access: Doliani is located about 16 km NE of Igoumenitsa. Following the old Igoumenitsa - Ioannina National Road, visitors pass the village of Agios Georgios, and then turn to the first intersection on the right towards the village of Geroplatanos reaching the site entrance after approx. 1,5 km.