Open Kids XCC cycling race
On Sunday, March 8 at 09:30 a.m. We are waiting for all the children of our city for an exciting mountain biking race in the forest of Igoumenitsa. The secretariat for the registration of children in the race will be open on Sunday from 08:30 in the Town Hall Square. Parents with their children should be no later than 09:15 in the woods (alana) ready with their participation number.
Participation cost 5 € / person
All children upon registration will receive the following:
Participation number
Participation diploma
Technical t-shirt in the colors of the team
Wooden engraved medal at the end of the race.
The categories are:
6-8 years old
9-11 years old
12-14 years old
At the end of the race along with the awards, there will be a raffle with prizes.
The awards will take place in City Hall Square at 11:00.
All the way there will be volunteers with a distinctive t-shirt that will take care of the children.
The route is safe 800 meters circular, but it needs the vigilance of children.
The Relevant Press Release is attached.