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07. Holy Monastery of St. Athanasios of Perdika

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The Monastery of St. Athanasiοs of Perdika (Agios Athanasios Perdikas) is situated in an idyllic location, one of the nicest in Thesprotia, near the village of Perdika. Formerly the Monastery was built on another site, but in 1811 it was moved to its current position. It seems it has always functioned as a pilgrimage destination and not as an organized Monastery. According to the local tradition, it was founded when the icon of St. Athanasios was discovered under an olive tree, next to where the Sanctuary of the church is today. The church of the Monastery is a simple, single space, and is enclosed by a low wall and a newer building with cells where visitors can be hosted. It is open to visitors throughout
the year and is celebrated on May the 2nd and many people participate in the celebrations.

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