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Dymokastro is open-accessed to the public with free admission.

Укрепленное поселение, построенное на холме, возвышающемся над пляжем Каравостаси. Основано во второй половине 4-го века до нашей эры. Расположено недалеко от местечка Пердика.

Access: Dymokastro is located at about 38 km to the south of Igoumenitsa. Visitors can follow either the Egnatia Highway or the road from Igoumenitsa to Preveza as far as the village of Karteri and there turn right towards Perdika village. Then they can drive through Perdika towards Karavostasi Beach. The site is on the hill above the southern end of the beach.

Прочитано 18245 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 31 Май 2018 12:41